Megan Castor Agency - Vacation Rental Copywriter

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6 Reasons Every Business Should Have an Effective Blog

Building a purposeful blog can freshen up your website and increase sales.

Does this sound familiar? 

Your website is stressing you out. It’s so hard to keep it updated with all the changes that are happening day to day in your business. Do you really need to adjust the wording on your web pages all the time? How are you supposed to keep up with changes to SEO — which is probably not your cup of tea?

It seems like… 

  • no one is visiting your website these days, but the competition’s website is updated regularly.

  • other businesses somehow post interesting new content all the time, but you struggle to find things to say.

  • you are at a loss as to why new customers don’t seem to be finding you online. 

A blog can be the answer. 

Blogs are an easy and effective way to keep your website updated, improve your ranking on Google, acquire new customers, build relationships with current customers, and increase sales. There are so many reasons to have a blog. Read on to see how a blog can help your business.

Drive More Traffic to Your Website

People are always searching for things online. They’re looking for answers to their questions, they’re trying to find information, they’re scrolling on social media.

Be the one who has a blog that does all of that:

  • answers their questions

  • provides the information they’re looking for

  • is posted on social media platforms they’re scrolling through 

If you have a blog, you’re increasing the chance that someone will stumble across your website. Maybe they’re looking for the best restaurants in their vacation destination and they find a blog post with insider tips on just this topic. Is that blog post on your website? 

Once they’re on your website, your blog — with its clear CTA (call to action) — will cause them to click around on your website and fall right into your sales funnel.

Convert Readers into Customers

Companies with blogs get over 60% more leads than companies without blogs. People want to read multiple pieces of content before making a decision. They don’t just read one review and jump straight to purchasing something. 

They might be interested in your product, but maybe they don’t quite feel ready to commit.

Your blog can promote your products — highlight how customers are using your products, use persuasive copy to convince readers that visiting you is a good idea, and include a clear CTA.

Provide interesting reading for your customers to draw them in and build trust, and then lead them to the next part of your sales funnel. Before you know it, your blog will have done the work for you — making your reader into a customer. 

Your blog can generate leads AND help you follow through with converting those leads. This is one of the most obvious advantages of blogs for your business.

Rank Higher With Google by Improving SEO

The truth is, blogs are good for SEO. Having more pages on your website means you’ll rank higher on Google. There is simply more content for Google to sort through, and that improves your ranking.

One of the benefits of a blog is that you have more opportunities to throw in keywords to help your website come up in searches. It can be so bland and repetitive to try to put keywords all over your website copy. It reads as totally unnatural to your customers — and obvious. They can see right through you — and it can totally backfire. With a blog, you can weave in keywords and long-tail keywords, naturally boosting your SEO.

When customers search for keywords related to your business, is your website coming up at the top of your search, or is your competitor’s? If it’s not yours, you need to make a change.

Keep Your Website Current

Effective blog posts keep your website fresh and help drive more traffic to your site, which will — again — help you rank higher with Google. Google favors websites that are updated often. 

If you refresh your website through blog posts, your customers will have more reasons to visit your website and see all of the amazing things you’re doing. They know when they visit your site they’ll find something new, which means they will visit more frequently. And every time they stop by is another chance for sales.

Develop Content for Social Media

Okay, so you know you should develop a social media presence to promote your business. But how? Do you have trouble coming up with content? 

If you write blog posts with your target audience in mind, you won’t have to worry about creating content for your social media accounts. You can use quotes and pictures from your blog in your posts on social. This shareable content can be used across platforms, so you’re killing two birds with one stone. 

Every time you promote your blogs across your social media channels, you are providing followers with an opportunity to follow a link directly to your website. It’s basically free advertising. And by using content from your blog, you can also make sure you have consistent brand messaging across platforms.

Establish Yourself as an Expert

Want to build community and be the trusted go-to for people in your niche? The amazing thing about blogs is that you can use them to share what you know. 

This is the place to show off your knowledge and expertise in your field. You’ll build trust and relationships with customers because they know they can come to you for answers to their burning questions. This makes them more likely to visit you, buy from you, and remain loyal customers because the information you provide is valuable to them

You can also make your business more personable through blogging — put a face on the company, attach a personality to the business. You’re not just a vacation rental agency — you’re a fun-loving beach bum with a passion for showing off your beach town. You know the best spots for big waves or calm waters and the hidden gem ice cream shops and cafes. 

When people like you, trust you, want your advice, feel like they know you — they are more invested in your brand. They come to you again and again for knowledge, community, and business

There are so many benefits to having an effective blog on your website. In this day and age, it is an absolute must. Start a blog today and let it sell for you.

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