Why I Spend Every Weekend Drinking with Toddlers in Tow - And Why You Should Too!

kids running in open field toward parents sitting on camping chairs with vineyard in distance as sun sets

Families enjoying Bishop Estate Winery in Pennsylvania.

Once upon a time, you got together with friends at bars and restaurants, and maybe even clubs - gasp! You had a few drinks, danced to a few songs, and had an amazing time. You probably took hundreds of pictures and laughed for hours. You spent all weekend “going out.” That feels like forever ago. 

If you’re like me, you became a mom and started drowning in diapers and taking a million pictures of your baby instead of your crazy nights out with friends. By the time you were ready to resurface and start going out again, that antisocial, keep-you-home-in-sweatpants-alone-with-baby pandemic hit. Add on ANOTHER baby and boom! You are feeling more isolated than ever, missing socializing, and longing for a way to get together with your friends in a way that’s safe and easy, and doesn’t leave you feeling guilty for exposing your toddlers to illness.

Enter the winery and brewery. THIS is the answer. This is the new version of “going out.” Let’s face it - we’re not going back to the club. But we can still have fun! 

Wineries and breweries are amazing because you can drink (responsibly, of course) with your friends AND family. Many wineries and breweries have food trucks and music and tons of space for kids to run around. It’s perfect.

Every weekend, my family of four packs up a blanket, beach chairs, and toys, and heads out to meet friends at a nearby winery or brewery. 

How to Choose a Winery or Brewery

Open Space

Our favorites have large grassy areas where the kids can run around safely and we can easily keep an eye on them. We set up a blanket and chairs to claim our spot. This is my favorite blanket because it’s waterproof, so if wine spills on it, it wipes right off - no big deal. 


Variety of Choices

We love places that have wine AND beer so that I can enjoy wine and my husband can have a beer. I bring my own wine glasses to make me feel classy when a place has plastic cups. It also helps prevent spills if the kids knock it over. Knocking over a full glass of wine is the worst! Here’s one I like.


Food and Entertainment

It really helps you to relax if you can sit back and listen to some good live music. Most of the wineries and breweries we go to have live music on weekends. It’s also great if there are food options. Many wineries and breweries now bring in food trucks on weekends if they don’t offer their own food. This is really fun because each time you go you can try something different! *Pro tip: We always bring tons of our own snacks for the kids in case there isn’t something they like or there’s a long wait for food. There is nothing LESS relaxing than dealing with a hungry, impatient toddler. 

Family Friendly

This may be obvious, but we are NOT going anywhere upscale or snobby. It’s impossible to have a good time if you’re worried about your kids annoying other people. We only go places where we feel welcome - and there are always tons of other families doing the same thing! 

What To Bring

Aside from the aforementioned chairs, outdoor blanket, and byo wine glasses (totally unnecessary but fun), bring the following:

  • Layers - if you have sweatshirts and blankets to pile on when the sun starts setting, you can stay longer!

  • Toys - as above, if you have more entertainment for the kids, they will hang out longer! We bring all kinds of things - cars, dolls, balls, etc. 

  • Your friends - the more the merrier!

Why It’s Awesome

There are a million reasons why spending time at a winery or brewery is the perfect outing for your family.

  • You can drink and eat and feel like you’re out on the town! 

  • You can hang out with your friends, and your kids can hang out with their friends.

  • You get to be outside in the fresh air, usually somewhere beautiful and peaceful and fun. 

  • It’s low key, laid back and easy. 

  • It’s inexpensive - you only need to pay for wine and beer, and you can bring your own food if you like. 

It’s Covid friendly. It’s open-air and spaced out as much as you need it to be to feel safe with your kids.

Won’t My Kids Be a Drag?

No! Our kids LOVE to go to wineries and breweries. They relish the chance to run around and have fun outside. They ASK to go to their favorite locations (check out our favorites in my Best Bucks County Wineries and Breweries to Visit with Kids blog post). They always have fun, and they never want to leave. 

If you’ve been missing spending time with friends and “going out,” consider making plans to visit a local winery or brewery. It’s definitely one of the top things to do with kids. See if your family loves it as much as mine. With no cover charge, you have nothing to lose!

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