Megan Castor Agency - Vacation Rental Copywriter

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20 Vacation Rental Newsletter Ideas to Keep Your Subscribers Engaged

Sending out regular newsletters to your email list is a great way to get started with email marketing.

Newsletters are a great way for vacation rental property managers to engage with potential and past guests.

Sure, social media is the wave of the future, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon your email list. In fact, you should embrace it. Email is not going away anytime soon, and an invitation into potential and past guests’ inboxes should not be wasted.

It’s a chance to establish your brand, build trust and authority, drive traffic to your website, and convince guests to book.  I’ve talked about email marketing for your vacation rental, but here I want to focus on sending regular newsletters. Whether they’re monthly or biweekly, consistency is key.

Wondering what you should include in a vacation rental newsletter? Here are some of the best vacation rental newsletter ideas to keep your subscribers engaged.

Best Vacation Rental Newsletter Ideas

Anything you include in your newsletter should provide value to your subscribers. The goal of your newsletter is not to be salesy. It’s to intrigue readers, keep them updated, encourage them to click through to your website, and eventually book. It’s not the end of your funnel – it’s simply a tool to move them through the customer journey. 

With that in mind, here are some of the best vacation rental newsletter ideas so you can plan out endless fresh content and keep your email list interested.

1. Property Spotlights

Showcase different vacation rental properties and highlight their unique features and amenities. This is a great way to introduce subscribers to new properties in your inventory, tell them about updates to current listings, and show off homes that they may not have seen yet. 

Sure, they may have stayed in a two-bedroom home with their family last time – but maybe next time, they’re planning a reunion and need a bigger space. Let your newsletter inspire their next stay.

2. Local Events and Activities

Share information about upcoming events, festivals, and activities in the surrounding area to encourage guests to book a stay. People are busy. They’re not researching events in your area if they’re not currently planning a trip there. 

But keeping them up to date on exciting events in your area can give subscribers serious FOMO and be that spark that causes them to book a last-minute trip.

3. Travel Tips

Offer travel tips and advice. Things like packing tips, safety guidelines, or advice on planning the perfect vacation are all topics your guests will be interested in. This is another great way to add value and prove you’re here to support your subscribers and not just sell to them. 

4. Guest Stories and Testimonials

When you share stories from previous guests about their experiences staying at your properties, you’re helping guests picture themselves having those same experiences. It’s an easy way to market your properties without being overly salesy, because your guests are the ones raving about their stay, not you. 

5. Seasonal Promotions 

Announce special offers, discounts, or packages for different seasons or holidays. When you share exclusive offers, guests are more likely to feel the urge to book. They simply don’t want to miss the best deals or limited-time packages. This is also a great way to get guests to open your emails – they’re going to want to see what you’ve got to offer.

6. Local Culinary Info 

Whether it’s recommendations for local restaurants, information on farmers markets, culinary experiences your company offers, tidbits about private chefs you work with, or your favorite seasonal recipes to enjoy using the appliances in your properties, people love reading about food.

7. Destination Guides

Share a teaser for comprehensive guides for your vacation rental destinations that might include top attractions, must-see sights, and hidden gems. Don’t include it all in your newsletter, but tease what’s included to intrigue readers and get them to click through to your website or contact you to request a guide.

8. Behind-the-Scenes

When you give subscribers a glimpse behind the scenes of your vacation rental business, you’re showing that you’re not just a company – you’re people. Show them a little bit of the work you put in to prepare properties for guests and showcase the personality of your team.

9. Safety Measures

Especially during flu season, it’s helpful to highlight the safety measures and cleaning protocols you have in place to ensure guest safety. An excerpt about your cleaning procedures might be the one thing that convinces a concerned guest to book.

10. Guest Reviews

Build trust with potential guests by sharing recent reviews and testimonials that demonstrate your excellent customer service. People want to feel secure when they book, and providing proof that other guests love staying with you is an easy way to do just that. Plus, it’s ready-to-use content that you don’t have to spend time creating.

11. Local Art and Culture   

Take a dive into the local art scene by exploring museums, galleries, and cultural experiences in the area. You’re showing off your area knowledge and expertise, providing value to your subscribers, serving your local community by sharing it with guests, and providing inspiration for future visits. 

12. Spotlight on Staff

Introduce your team and share their roles in ensuring a great guest experience. You can include some of their favorites to really personalize it. Putting a face to the business helps build trust and showcase your hospitality. 

13. Tips for Families

Many guests are traveling with their families, so providing family-friendly tips like activities for kids and nearby playgrounds is a great way to show you understand your target guest. 

14. Eco-Friendly Initiatives

If you have any initiatives to be eco-friendly, share your efforts to make your vacation rentals more sustainable. Whether that’s reduced packaging for starter packs and amenities or solar panels on the roof, every little bit helps. Letting guests know what you’re doing for the environment shows them who you are and what you value.

15. Special Occasions

Celebrate special occasions, like your property’s anniversary or a team member’s birthday, with your subscribers. These fun little moments build relationships with guests because they feel like they’re in on the celebration and part of your team. It really helps personalize your business.

16. Services Offered

If you offer packages that include accommodations, activities, and dining options, highlight them. Or if you offer extras like private chefs, daily housekeeping, in-home massage services, ski equipment rentals, etc. be sure to highlight those as well.

17. Local Wildlife and Nature

Explore the natural areas around your rentals and provide tips for things like the best trails to explore, the best places to view foliage, and wildlife viewing opportunities. Your nature-loving guests just might be inspired to book their next stay so they can check out your recommendations first-hand.

18. Local Shopping and Souvenirs 

Provide tips on where to find unique mementos and locally-made products. Not only are you supporting local businesses when you spotlight them, but you’re also ensuring guests will be able to find souvenirs that will always remind them of their stay – and your hospitality. 

19. Pet-Friendly Information

If your properties are pet-friendly, include information about visiting the area with pets. This can include restaurants with outdoor seating that allow dogs, dog-friendly beaches, and local pet stores. Pet parents love it when they’re included!

20. Community Involvement

Highlight your company’s involvement in the community, including supporting charities and local initiatives. When you share what matters to you, you’re letting your guests peek behind the curtain and see what makes your company such a special part of the community. 

More Vacation Rental Newsletter Ideas

If you’re looking for more newsletter ideas – or someone to put it all together for you – reach out to me at or schedule a quick call to chat all things vacation rental newsletters.  

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