Megan Castor Agency - Vacation Rental Copywriter

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How to Use Your Local Expertise to Increase Bookings and Improve the Guest Experience

Your destination is a selling feature - use it to your advantage.

Demonstrate your expertise and provide value to your guests. 

When it comes to beefing up your vacation rental property descriptions, you’re likely thinking of all the amenities you need to list, figuring out how to use storytelling to create compelling listings, and just the right way to convince guests to book. 

And those things are absolutely important. Your property descriptions are an important part of your sales funnel – the buying journey guests are on that leads them to book your property for their once-a-year much-anticipated vacation.

But they’re not the only piece of the puzzle. And one that gets missed a lot? Local area guides.

People aren’t just renting a place, they’re looking for an experience. One that ventures outside the property lines. So you not only need to sell them on your place but also on what’s around it. Because after all, that’s what the vacation to a destination is all about – the destination.

You want to be the expert when it comes to your destination – building trust with your guests, enhancing their experience when they stay with you, and setting yourself apart from other vacation rental managers when it comes time to book. 

In this blog post, we’ll dive into why area descriptions are so important, how to incorporate them into your funnel, what to include in them, and how they can influence your guest experience. 

The Importance of Detailed Area Descriptions

Let’s be honest. No one is booking a short-term rental to sit in the house the whole time. They’re traveling because they want to experience a new destination – somewhere new, somewhere refreshing, somewhere they can reconnect with loved ones and bond over new experiences.

Travelers seek experiences beyond the property itself. So when you provide detailed descriptions of the area around your property, you’re helping guests picture themselves there. You’re giving them ideas for what kinds of experiences they can have when they stay with you. And you’re building an emotional connection with potential guests, tying them to the destination and the way they experience it through you and your home. 

When you provide rich area descriptions, you’re selling guests on what it’ll be like if they stay with you. 

So many property managers miss the mark here. Incorporating your expertise and your personal recommendations goes a long way in convincing guests to book with you over your competition, in helping them plan amazing vacations to your destination, and in improving the guest experience when they do stay with you.

How to Incorporate Area Guides Into Your Listings

So where do area guides come in? There are a few key places to incorporate them.

Property Descriptions

Some guests are going to find you first through OTAs. When this happens, the only information they’ll get before booking with you is your property description. Include a section in your property description that tells guests what the area is like. On Airbnb, you can pop this in the Neighborhood section. 

Tell them what it’s like just outside your property lines, but don’t hesitate to expand and tell them all the things that are nearby, either within walking distance or a short drive away. Get specific! When you name specific restaurants, shops, and attractions, you’re helping guests picture themselves visiting those places.

Direct Booking Site

If you have a direct booking site for your vacation rental company, make sure to include an area guide on your site. Add evergreen content to your site that helps guests plan their trip. Not only can it lead to organic leads by incorporating location-specific keywords, but it’ll also help establish you as an expert in your destination. 

Or use a local area guide as an opt-in or lead magnet to encourage guests to sign up for your newsletter. When you grow your email list, you grow your business.  

Blog Posts

Consistent blog posts are a great way to boost your SEO and help new guests find you. And one of the best sources for blog content for vacation rentals? Information about the destination. Guests are searching for the answers to their vacation-planning questions – you can provide the answers through your blog. 

Keeping your blog updated with relevant information about your destination shows guests that you have a pulse on what’s going on and tells Google you should rank higher in their search results because you’re providing valuable information.


Nurturing your email list is one of the most important aspects of email marketing for vacation rentals. You can’t just sell, sell, sell.

Take breaks from selling to build relationships and provide value to your subscribers. One of the best way to do this? Area guides! You don’t want to send them huge chunks of content through email, but you can link to your blog posts, or provide little pieces of updated information about your destination to inspire repeat bookings. 

Social Media Posts

If you’re on social, posting is a great opportunity to get your content in front of more people. Post snippets of your blog content, then send them to your website for more detailed information. Share quick updates on upcoming events, festivals, and community news – providing value and letting them know you’re the go-to source for finding out what’s going on in your destination. 

Welcome Guides

When guests decide to book with you, you can thank them big time with a detailed welcome guide that provides all the information they’ll need for a great trip. Be sure to include a detailed area guide, and deliver it before arrival, so guests can use it to plan.

When guests use your recommendations to plan an amazing vacation, they’re more likely to leave stellar reviews and recommend you to their friends. It’s a win-win! 

Components of an Engaging Local Area Guide

So what kind of content should you include in your local area guide? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Key Attractions: Tell them all about nearby attractions, landmarks, and points of interest, so they can plan their trip around can’t-miss activities.

Local Events: Provide information about local events and festivals, especially ones that might be of interest to your ideal guests. If you’re targeting families with young children, family-friendly activities are something you should definitely include. 

Cultural Offerings: Share information about cultural festivals, museums, and experiences they can only have in your destination for guests who crave an authentic cultural experience when they travel.

Food & Drinks: Create a list of your favorite restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, and more to make sure guests know just which places they shouldn’t miss.

Transportation: Help guests plan their trip by telling them all about parking, transportation, nearby amenities, and services. Staying somewhere with a free trolley through town vs. somewhere they need to have a car is a very different experience. When they know what to expect, guests will have way less stress.

Impact on Guest Experience 

Thorough area guides help set accurate guest expectations and help guests plan their trip. When they have detailed area descriptions, they arrive feeling prepared and have all the tools they need to have an enjoyable vacation experience. All thanks to you!

When you help them have a great experience, guests are more likely to leave positive reviews and refer your property and company to others.

Tips for Crafting Compelling Area Guides

Make your area guides compelling in a few easy ways:

  • Explore your area and gather local insights – it’s your boots-on-the-ground insights that set you apart from the rest

  • Use storytelling and descriptive language – help guests picture themselves in your destination

  • Use visuals to enhance your guides – guests want to see maps, images, and videos that complement your descriptions

  • Update your content regularly – stay relevant and up-to-date with regular updates and seasonal content 


Detailed area descriptions and guides are an important part of enticing guests to book and ensuring their experience is memorable once they arrive. When you craft engaging content based on your local expertise, your guests will thank you – with positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals. 

Need help weaving area descriptions into your website content, property descriptions, or email marketing? Send a quick note or set up a time to chat. 

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